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XQuality (XQ)

XQ is the solution of e-xtrategy srl to address the needs of its clients. It is an internal process created to ensure that web projects correspond to the characteristics of usability and accessibility, including for disadvantaged groups.
We developed this internal quality control process because we believe that we must continuously improve the overall quality of the web projects of our partners/clients so that we can provide a service which meets to the highest standards.

Comments, advice, and suggestions

Users play a fundamental role in determining the quality of a website and we are always pleased to receive comments, advice, and suggestions at so that we can offer an ever better service.

You can find further information on XQ by visiting or by writing to

Accessori da bagno Carbonari - V. di Marcelli Saverio & C. S.a.s. Via Pio La Torre, 18 - 60022 Castelfidardo
Tel. e fax +39 071 7823604/5 - P.IVA 01459590426 - Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Ancona REA n. 132925 - Capitale Sociale 110.521,78 € i.v.